Monday, July 7, 2008

Preserving Your Pensions in Tough Times - NPR Interview

Teresa Ghilarducci, Professor of Economics at Notre Dame was featured on NPR's Fresh Air radio program on July 7th. You can listen to the entire interview at the title link above or by clicking here. Ms. Ghilarducci was promoting her new book titled "When I'm Sixty-Four: The Plot Against Pensions and the Plan to Save Them."

This is a great radio program, and undoubtedly will be a great book to read. I look forward to reading it and writing something about it as soon as I get a chance. Here's the introduction from the NPR website:

"Stock and bond funds in 401(k) accounts took a hit this past quarter, and many people are worried about their retirement funds. Economist Teresa Ghilarducci addresses financial concerns about retirement and offers her own solution to the pension problem.

Ghilarducci is a professor of economic policy analysis at the University of Notre Dame, where she specializes in pension benefits. She is also the director of the Higgins Labor Research Center and a Wurf fellow at the Labor and Worklife Program at Harvard Law School.

Her latest book, When I'm Sixty-Four: The Plot Against Pensions and the Plan to Save Them, proposes that pensions should be managed by the federal government rather than Wall Street."

I am going to try and stay out of this political debate for a bit, but I can't help but comment that as a Democratic sweep of the upcoming general elections becomes more apparent over the coming months, I can start to hear the drumbeats getting louder calling for greater legislation on Wall Street.

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